HotDoc Appointments

New to our Practice?

Book online using our HOTDOC app or call the practice to book an appointment | 4423 5991

Some Doctors have closed books – Please check out Our Teams to see who is accepting new patients

             Patients who book with a Doctor they havent previously seen or who isnt taking new patients may be contacted to be rebooked with another GP

Please DO NOT hestitate to call the practice if you are unable to obtain an appointmnet with the Doctor of your choice or are having trouble using this service.

Please remember to cancel a booking if not needed. Due to rising numbers of patients not attending appointments & urgent patients waiting to be seen, you may be charged a NON attendance fee if missing a booked apointment – This will be required to be paid prior to your next appointment.

If you require a nurse – You must call to practice to organise 

If you are booking Pre-employment, WorkCover or Medical Insurance appointments – You must call the practice to organise the correct length of time needed with your Doctor.