Preventative Health

Care Plan

Care Planning is a service that is encouraged for all patients with Chronic or Complex illness. It gives us the opportunity to thoroughly assess patients needs. Care plans are completed annually with a 6 monthly review. Referrals to Allied Health Practitioners can be arranged to improve health care, in most cases 5 visits per year are permitted to health providers such as Physio, Chiro, Dietitian, Podiatry, Exercise Physio or Occupational Therapy. The cost of these appointments is subsidised by the Government in order to prevent complications of illness.

Health Assessment

Available for those 75 years and over | 45 - 49 years of age |
People with an Intellectual Disability A health assessment provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve health and quality of life. The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. In addition to assessing a person’s health status, a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person’s physical, psychological and social functioning. The cost of these appointments is subsidised by the Government in order to prevent complications of illness

Indigenous Australians Health Assessment

A specific health check is available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The 715 health check helps to identify risk factors for chronic disease to manage the good health of our patients. These checks can be completed every 9 months if required and enable us to provide referrals to allied health services to complement health care requirements.

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring is a test done to record your BP at fixed intervals throughout a 24 hr period while you move around, living your normal everyday life. It uses a machine that is attached to a belt around your body and is connected via a tube to a cuff wrapped around your upper arm. It is small enough not to obstruct normal daily life while you can even sleep with it on.

24 Hour Holter Monitor

Sometimes it is necessary to monitor your hearts activity over a 24 hour period to gain information about your heart’s condition, particularly when you experience symptoms infrequently or irregularly . We are now able to do this by attaching you to a small machine called a Holter Monitor. A Holter monitor is a small battery powered device to monitor your heart’s electrical activity over a 24 hour period. The results of this test are reviewed by a Cardiologist in Sydney who then send a thorough report to your GP. Again this test is easy to perform and the only difference to your day is that you cannot bathe, swim or shower.

Cervical Screening

All women who have ever been sexually active should have regular cervical smear tests every two years after becoming sexually active up until age 70. This includes women who have been immunised against HPV. This test detects abnormal cells which, if left untreated, could become cervical cancer. Very often these cells are made abnormal by a human papillomavirus (HPV) which is passed on by men during intercourse. Regular testing and treatment reduces the likelihood of this sort of cancer by around 90%. Advice regarding contraception is available from your GP. Implanon insertion and removal is also performed at NNMP.