New to our practice
We will endeavour to give you an appointment with the doctor of your choice. If your usual doctor is not available, one of our other doctors may see you and give details of your visit to your usual doctor. Although the doctors endeavour to run to time with appointments, this is not always possible.
We suggest some ways of enabling the appointment system to work more effectively. If your timing is limited due to other commitments, phone 15-30 minutes before your appointment to check if a delay is likely. If you have many issues to discuss, some may need to be deferred to a later date.
If you require an appointment for a more extensive discussion or ‘check up’. Please inform the receptionist when making the appointment that you need a longer consultation. Higher Medicare rebates are available for longer, more complex consultations.
Let the receptionist know when making your appointment if more than one person is to be seen. We need accurate and complete information to help with your visit to our practice.
Please bring your current Medicare Card and any other concession cards.
Please fill in the HotDoc online form to will be forwarded once the appointment is made – fill in all the details, especially your allergies, your medicines and your past medical history .
If you have a lot of medicines at home bring them ALL in, the ones that you are taking and any non – prescription medications such as herbal remedies.