Nursing Care
North Nowra Medical Practice offer a range of services and are able to deal with most minor accident care, such as suturing or X Ray request for potential fractures. If we are not able to deal with an injury we will refer you to the appropriate service.
ECG / 24 Hr Holter Monitor
An ECG is a recording of your heart’s electrical activity. Electrode patches are attached to your skin to measure the electrical impulses given off by your heart. The result is a trace that can be read by a doctor. It can give information of previous heart attacks and identify irregular heart rhythm. This test is quick and easy to do and is completely pain free. If symptoms tend to be transient the GP may recommend that the ECG is continuous for 24 hours. If this is the case he may recommend you to have a holter monitor which is also quick and easy to apply and remove. These results are reviewed by Cardiologists in Sydney prior to your consult with your GP 24 hours post removal of monitor.
Ankle-brachial Index | ABI
The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a quick, noninvasive way to check your risk of peripheral vascular disease (PVD). PVD is a condition in which the blood vessels in your arms or legs are narrowed or blocked. PVD increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, poor circulation and leg pain. The ABI test compares blood pressure measured in the arms and legs and takes only a few minutes to complete.
International Normalised Ratio | INR
The test used to monitor the effects of warfarin is called the International Normalised Ratio (INR). It is a simple finger prick test that checks how long it takes for blood to clot. To make sure that warfarin is working safely and effectively in your body, you must have regular blood tests (monitoring). It’s important you know when and how often your blood needs to be tested, and that you don’t skip any tests that your doctor advises.
Wound Care / Ear Syringe / Many other services
We have a fabulous nursing team available every single day. They provide many services to our patients and are able to assist doctors whenever needed.
If you are needing to book with one of our Nurses you must call 4423 5991, unfortunately the services offered by nurses are unable to be booked via HotDoc.