Travel Medicine
It is important to seek advice about travel health and immunisation before visiting another country. While you are likely to have the immunisations needed to live in Australia, there may be other diseases you need to protect against before going to places such as Asia, Africa or South America.
Foreign diseases may include Yellow Fever, Rabies or Malaria. It is best to seek this advice well in advance, two months is recommended
Yellow fever is a potentially fatal viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes in parts of South America and Africa. Vaccination may be mandatory for travellers who have visited these areas before entering other countries, and a failure to vaccinate will likely result in quarantine periods or exclusion from entering that country. As such we strongly recommend vaccination to at-risk countries, especially for at-risk people.
Yellow Fever vaccinations are only available from accredited providers at accredited centres, such as North Nowra Medical, and an initial and follow up consultation if generally required.
Your GP will also be able to advise you what diseases you may need to be protected from during your travel, as well as advice on the preparation and carriage of medicines through countries. Common travel relates diseases include Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Malaria. Often forgotten vaccinations such as for Tetanus, can also be provided. Please note that travel vaccinations are NOT covered by Medicare, and you may need to obtain a prescription for them from your GP.